10 Best Free Web Development Courses 🤩

10 Best Free Web Development Courses 🤩


3 min read

There are countless online resources that can teach you everything you need to know about web development, but getting started with free, self-guided courses is a great way to get familiarize with the basics and learn the best practices for developing websites.

Here are 10 best courses to get you started in web development!

1. Foundations of Front-End Web Development

Every topic will be approached from scratch. Moreover, the foundational knowledge acquired will make much easier to learn additional topics and build on top of what have been learnt so far. So learn the skills to jumpstart your career in front-end-development today!


2. Master the Basics of HTML5 & CSS3

This course will introduce you to the two pillars of web development: HTML and CSS. Among other things, you will learn the foundational role of each these pillars and how they fit together to form websites.

Start your journey towards becoming a bona fide web developer by learning these foundational concepts of coding.


3. Web Development from Scratch

Web Development From Scratch: Learn By Doing For Complete Beginners. Instead of teaching tedious theory on how to code a website, you'll learn practical knowledge on how to do it.

The best way to learn is by doing, and that's why you'll actually make a complete website from scratch!


4. Learn Javascript

JavaScript is among the most powerful and flexible programming languages of the web. You will learn programming fundamentals and basic object-oriented concepts using the latest JS syntax. The concepts covered in these lessons lay the foundation for using JavaScript in any environment.


5. Web Developer Course HTML CSS JavaScript Learn Web Design

Complete web developer course covering everything you need to know step by step to begin creating websites. This course covers everything, included how the web works, learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript and much more.


6. Learn HTML & CSS From Scratch! The Beginners Guide

Many think web development is only for nerds, programmers, or it's just out of their reach for some technical reason. None of those are true! Anyone can become a web developer, and this course will get you started. If you're a total beginner, someone who's never coded before, then this is the perfect starting spot.


7. Freecodecamp

It's one of the best place to learn web developement from basic to advanced level. It is an interactive learning environment where you will go through a series of challenges and build projects along the way. So, get your web dev skills to the sky!


8. Mozilla Developer Network

MDN is a great resource for beginners to learn about how websites function, and the moves writing and playing around with front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with a practical introduction to web development.


9. HTML & CSS Rocks

It provides a wide assortment of articles and tutorials on all manner of web development topics, with intended audiences ranging from beginners to advanced developers.

Plus, Don’t miss getting started with CSS Shapes provides a great introduction into advanced CSS techniques!


10. Learn HTML & CSS: How To Start Your Web Development Career

Make Any Website Responsive & Mobile Friendly. Create Your Own HTML & CSS websites from scratch & host them for free! image.png


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